Gay marriage--any gay married couples here tonight?
Gay marriage--does anyone else see a contradiction there.
I used to be gay--I mean married. The wife said to me, 'I've had enough, things are going to change around here'.
'Really--light of my life [ironic] what's wrong?'
'You're sexist' she said.
Me? [quietly with gesture to audience]
'You take me for granted and don't appreciate me'
I says to her 'We can work this out my precious, I know it seems as though some problems are insurmountable but together we can do anything'.
Then we had this little moment together, you know--she looked in my eyes, tearing up a little. I stood there all stoic--put my arm around her'.
Then I whisper to her, 'You've just have put that little extra effort into getting the sleeves on my shirts right'.
--should be a laugh here--