About this: I know I mentioned that I don't approve of explanation, so forgive the inconsistency in attitude that this brief introduction represents. Writing this represented something of a personal revelation to me, which is good because it's garnered precious little appreciation from anyone else during its, I think, two prior airings. I don't really care to illuminate those revelations at the moment so I'll just mention that this story didn't end the way I'd intended. Yes it's a deliberate allegory, that's obvious I hope but from the reaction it's garnered I suspect my intention is more obtuse than is readily apparent. I have to admit that In my conceit I was rather pleased with this story and somewhat naively expected to instill instant recognition of the subject I was addressing. Alas no such recognition has been forthcoming, which was a disappointing but illuminating lesson to learn.
My CSA arrives today, well it's due today but I live in a Q status housing block, postage to Q addresses has least urgent priority so it's not certain it will arrive today. Still I've been listening impatiently for the postman since I had breakfast this morning. The scrambled eggs rest uneasily as the creeping tension torments my restless belly I feel like a cat is baiting a canary in there. I wonder about the others, the ones also waiting for the postman, the ones waiting to learn what road the rest of their lives will take. Q or V, for me it's a foregone conclusion all the males in my family are Qs yet I'm still here waiting, fist clenched, a sparrow clutching to twig in a gale. How must it be for those less certain, the marginals with an even chance of either a Q or V assignment? I know I'm a Q, it's in my blood, I walk, speak and think like a Q. Still I can't help wondering how it would be if my CSA had a V stamped all over it, I briefly visualize myself gliding down a vstat motorway express lane in my air conditioned vstat car on the way to my preferentially assigned vstat job. My idle fantasy is broken by a hand alighting gently on my shoulder, it's mother, “Here I've made you some tea” she says quietly, “Don't fret too much about it Mac, it's not the end of the world.” Her unguarded fatalism smarts like a knife in my side but I hide the torment with a forced smile.
Everyone gets their
CSA, Culpability Status Assignment, on the September after their 19th
Birthday, it's supposed to be assigned after you attend a compulsory
assessment tribunal. They're called tribunals but it's more of an
exam, you see our education system primarily serves two purposes,
asses your Culpability Status and inform students of the role of
Culpability Status in our society. Indoctrination, that what my
brother called the last part, he got his CSA three years ago today.
It's not a day that my family remembers with any fondness and its
legacy casts an uncomfortable shadow over today.
It's a day I remember
well, David was reading as usual, some underground rag, not one on
the forbidden list just one rated substantially incorrect and
get a you a months mitigation credit cancelled if the authorities
caught you in possession. His unconcerned demeanour had an unsettling
effect on the family mood. Father hid his concern behind his weekend
Truth Journal but he was already a third through his daily nicotine
ration, the clicking of his inhaler the only sound to break the
silence save the rustling of his and my brothers reading matter. The
audible snap of the letter box did not stir David as his focus
remained fixed on his rag. “David, I think its arrived,” Mother
prompted gently.
David glanced at her
with a feigned indifference but even my brother's reluctance couldn't
stand up to my Mother's silent plea. He retrieved the manilla
envelope from the doormat and walked unconcerned back into the room
with it in his hand. Standing as he opened the letter, he read out a
single syllable, “Q!” And that was end to it or so it seemed for
a while, it wasn't till the afternoon when father's nicotine ration
had expired and his withdrawal started to bite that the shouting
started. I'd popped out to get some milk and stretch my legs, as I
returned the I herd them rowing. “... I can look in the mirror dad,
I know the colour of my eyes, how straight my teeth are, how many V’s
do you see without a perfect smile? The Tribunal's a fraud, it's just
dangling a carrot before a donkey.”
I saw father holding
David's mitigation log “There are people who've done it, people
who've applied them selves and followed best practice . You
didn't even try, this, this is a disgrace” my father shook the log
in David's face with his clenched fist.
“Best practice! What
kind of aspiration is that? Here's a thought for you, ambition,
initiative, hard work, how many have been assigned vstat on the back
of those attributes? And how is it a disgrace to take their lies and
spit the truth back at them, You're the disgrace, you know the truth,
yet you eat up their lies as if it was bread and butter to you, you
make me sick.”
“David” mother
I could see the regret
on my brothers face almost before he finished speaking but it was too
late, the wound betrayed by my father's face could not be concealed,
he placed David's log on the table and left the room when he returned
with his coat and cap he spoke to mother, “I'm going out, I'm not
sure what time I'll be back. Don't bother getting food for me, I'll
get a sandwich in the pub.” Then he walked out of the front door
which he closed behind him with incongruous care.
David broke the silence
after father's departure “Mum I didn't mean it, I know he's putting
our welfare before his pride”
“That's the kind of
man he is,” mother replied.
“I know, it's
just...” David slumped into a dinning char , his head tucked toward
his chest “... it's just that sometimes a son, doesn't want to see
his father that way, deferential, submissive. Sometimes a son would
be willing to go hungry for a day or two just to see his father with
some pride, not burning his flame in shaded lantern.” He sighed,
then lifted his head sharply. staring beyond the walls of our flat he
asked,“Why does he have to always wear that cap anyway, can't he
just let the sunlight on his face for once?”
David, left home within
a month, his work took him out of town. His official post was
construction labourer but my brother had worked hard at a vocational
out of hours school, that father had paid for. His engineering
qualification saw that he'd never be swinging a pick but the blanks
in his mitigation credit ensured that he'd be certain to be at the
basic qstat employment rating. We see him when his work brings him to
town or the occasional weekend. On his last visit the two of us went
out for the evening, I don't leave the house much so my circle of
friends is small but we visited one of David's old haunts where we
met up with a few of his friends. There's no official segregation
here and Qs and Vs do mix socially it's just that more often than not
you find yourself socializing with your own kind, this place was like
that. David and his friends where eager to catch up on each other's
news so the conversation began with personal trivia, work, sex
etcetera but after a while a more political tone arose. David's views
it seemed were held in some esteem by his friends and although I
admit my brother was articulate it was something of a revelation to
witness them being treated seriously rather than the perfunctory
dismissal they received at home. Before long there was a deeply
earnest discussion taking place that I started to find rather tedious
and repetitive, one of the crowd a man introduced as Jason seemed to
be a particularly vociferous contributor. I was observing without any
real interest when I notice the expression suddenly change on David's
face, “You're a V!” he shouted at Jason,
Jason was taken aback
at the ugly look of contempt and disgust on my brother's,face “I
thought you knew.” The other members of the group fell silent for a
moment, after eyeing Jason carefully it seemed obvious now that he
was a V, his uniformly distressed attire the unblemished complexion
should have made it obvious. Some of the group were trying to
placate David, one of the girls seemed particularly perturbed by the
turn of events.
Someone said, “Jason
is a friend...” I didn't see who, maybe it was the girl. David
stood abruptly and walked over to me.
“We're leaving,” he
announced, then made his way toward the door without pausing. I
followed like an obedient spaniel of course but not before looking
back at the at group. They were all standing now, Jason the centre
attention, except the girl who's eyes fixed upon David as he hurried
towards the door. David left the following morning, he was gone
before I got up, that was nine months ago.
I've retreated to my
room, the sedate crawl of the hands of the clock has driven me from
the living room, as I peer through the window at the lengthening
September shadows in the street. I hear the rattle of the letter box.
For the few seconds the gravity of the moment has me pinned, immobile
I recall David's reluctance three years ago. I get up and move
towards the door and open it with a creak, a sound which must echo
like a flock of startled starling through our flat. I see my manilla
envelope where it has fallen on the mat. As I retrieve it I'm
overcome with the certainty that it's not mine and it's been
delivered in error but as I check the address I can see that the
postman rarely makes mistakes on this day, even to least urgent
priority addresses. My parents are seated as I walk into the living
room with my unopened envelope, I open it swiftly and read the
contents to them.
No one laughs, no one
cries, mother puts the kettle on and father gets up to put on his
coat and cap. I go back to my room to look at the September shadows.
That's cool. And I read it twice. I think it says quite a lot and says it quite well. I read a lot of short stories and many of them, even the ones you enjoy at the time of reading, can slip from the mind instantly after reading. This I think will stay in there because it "resonates" and that, I think, is the secret ingredient of a good short story. And the end is good because it leaves it reverberating
ReplyDeleteOnce again thanks for the feedback, I was really pleased you enjoyed it. This is probably my favourite of mine and I was forming the impression I was missing the target with kind of thing
DeleteI’ve obviously no idea what your reading tastes are but for what it’s worth, in regard to short stories and what you can do with them, I’d recommend the collections of Jeremy Dyson and Robert Shearman. I think both of them deal with everyday oddness and surreal horror without resorting to experimental writing styles. They skirt around the horror and magic realism genres and create weird stories but with an everyday feel... that are just told very well. Imagine Alan Bennett with a flick knife. Or finding a sly rohypnol at the bottom of a milky cup of tea.
ReplyDeleteActually my fiction reading has really dropped off a lot, most of the stuff I've been reading lately is from on-line sources, from people outside the publishing world, which is a bit heterogeneous in terms of satisfaction, some stuff is brilliant but will never be accepted by publishers, some is terminally insular and has no appeal to anyone except the author. I think that's something I want to address because I'm not getting any good cues as to what to read from mainstream sources, I've been raiding history at bit going back examining -classics- I'm taking liberties with that word cos In my world, classsics, encompasses authors such as: Fleming, Spillane, Highsmith et al. So Thanks for the pointer, I'll check 'em out.
DeleteSame here. I have to be trapped on holiday to read a novel anymore. And generally find the effort and time put in does not equal the amount of ideas/story within. Short stories are the way forward and if you get the right authors, such as those above, you get a novels worth of brain juice in a twenty page short. I'm very unsatified by modern mainstream novels and am drawn to 50's and 60's authors with their postwar view of the world (and smaller page counts) Have to leave it there for now but we'll continues this discussion in the future I feel.