I've just found this, the first drawing, I'd coloured with Photoshop, ooh ages ago. I'd been working producing 2d computer graphics for a for a while, mostly kinda flashy backgrounds and fancy do das for early versions of AV software produced with things like Macromedia. Those were mostly done in software but in a spare moment I decided to exercise my traditional drawing skills and see if I could colour something up. Thinking about it, this was probably a doodle, it' wasn't inked or anything just drawn in pencil and scanned. It's not particularly impressive, it kinda breaks the colour rule about reversing the heat of the hue in the shadows. You know, the one that goes: warm highlights/cool shadows or cool highlights/warm shadows, but it was done very quickly and I quite liked that aspect. Oh yeah, the subject happens to be a naked lady, it was probably spring, that's my excuse anyway.
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