Thursday 7 November 2013

Plenty more fish...

Grey Mullet: One of a number of related species whose reputation as a poor table fish is so legendary, its flesh is commonly considered to be inedible by anyone not on the brink of starvation.

Flounder: In English parlance, a flat fish whose resemblance to Plaice is occasionally the subject of consternation to those who discover their error, when they find the repast they anticipated with such relish tastes of mud. One of a number of species sold under the label Lemon Sole by undiscriminating fish mongers.

Shad: A migratory fish.

Plenty more fish...

Plenty more fish in the sea to be had
Were the words borne from the mouth of my dad
If fate frustrate your ardent endeavour
It turns out apt to compare a favour
It's apt it seems to compare the favour
Afforded by a grim fourteen stone beast
To that of an estuarine Mullet feast
Plenty more fish in the sea to be had
Were the words borne from the mouth of my dad
If fate frustrate your ardent endeavour
It turns out to be apt to compare the
Comfort offered by some grim mare or beast
Comfort afforded through some obese beast
Comfort offered by some Medusaesque beast
To that got through estuarine Mullet feast

Plenty more fish in the sea to be had
Plenty more fish in the sea
Plenty more fish in the sea said my dad
That's the ticket my lad

That Ire that crawls through your soul like an eel
The remorse in your mind you'd rather not feel
When you have cause to revisit the scene
Of the delight and the senses serene
that you felt when you finally found her
Only to find yourself chewing a Flounder

Plenty more fish in the sea to be had
Plenty more fish in the sea
Plenty more fish in the sea said my dad
Smile she'll grab your gonad

When solitude burns and failures accrue
That Girl on the bus or school friend you knew
Then comes the time that you probably should
Ask would it not be likely you could
Dig for the strength to renew your pursuit
When she confesses she might be hirsute

Plenty more fish in the sea to be had
Plenty more fish in the sea
Plenty more fish in the sea said my dad
Say it once more I'll go mad

It's odd to admire a girl for her fins
I find I now look for scales on their shins
I should dream of a Marylin Monroe
But no I find that it's Cod and their roe
Amphibians next, newt toad and a frog
Can you drop this Ichthyian analogue?

Plenty more fish in the sea to be had
Plenty more fish in the sea
Plenty more fish in the sea said my dad
Mmm, wouldn't say no to a Shad.

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